Filtering by: TMRF

to May 27

Western European Exam Session (IE): TCRG, TMRF and Grades 1-11

Location: Maldron Portlaoise Hotel, Portlaoise, Ireland
Date: 26-27 May 2018
Application deadline: 31st March 2018

The accommodation rates (incl. breakfast) for the weekend of the exams are as follows:
Friday €79
Saturday €89
Sunday €69
Please book directly with the hotel and request the WIDA rate. Places for this exam session will be limited and so we advise that you submit your application as soon as possible.

If wishes to defer or withdraw after having applied and payed they must notify (and receive an acknowledgment from) WIDA by February 28th or they will forfeit their payment. Anyone who has deferred from previous exams sessions must take their exam in 2018 or forfeit their exam fee. Deferral is valid for one year.
Please complete the application form.

When applications reach the maximum a wait list will be used to fill the available places upon withdrawals or deferrals.

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