Affiliation Fee Payment
We have moved the renewal of your WIDA affiliation fee. Please log in to your teacher’s account at GoFeis, then go to My Teacher Profile -> Profile, then click red blinking line or just visit the link:
Please also be aware of the changes in the communication policy effective from 01.01.2017. Only the teachers who are registered with WIDA (= those who have paid their affiliation fee) will continue receiving official WIDA communications. Teachers who have not paid the affiliation fee will be removed from the mailing lists, the Facebook group etc.
By submitting your affiliation fee you are agreeing to abide by the rules and regulations of WIDA.
If you have any questions regarding the affiliation fees or the payment process,
please send us an email to
If you are a People Dancing member you can gain a 50% discount on your affiliation fee for your first year with WIDA: