
Local Feiseanna

The age groups at the event may be changed by the feis committee in accordance with the entries!


For all age groups:

  • Reel

  • Light Jig

  • Slip Jig

  • Single Jig

  • Treble Jig

  • Hornpipe

  • Traditional Set: St. Patrick's Day



For all age groups:

  • Reel

  • Light Jig

  • Slip Jig

  • Single Jig

  • Treble Jig

  • Hornpipe

  • Traditional Set: Jockey to the Fair or Blackbird



For all age groups:

  • Reel

  • Light Jig

  • Slip Jig

  • Single Jig

  • Treble Jig

  • Hornpipe

  • Traditional Set: Job of Journeywork, King of the Fairies or Garden of Daisies



For all age groups:

  • Reel

  • Slip Jig

  • Treble Jig

  • Hornpipe

  • Traditional Set: The Hunt, Three Sea Captains or White Blanket

  • 16 Bar freestyle treble reel (Same step right and left foot. Arms need not be held by side as for other solo dances).



For all age groups:

  • 2-hand

  • 3-hand

  • 4-hand


For all age groups:

  • Any ceili from the book "Ar Rinci Foirne" or Tara Reel


Any age


Any age


World Championships

Dancers who wish to participate in the World Solo Championships must dance a minimum of two solos and a Premiership/Championship at one of the Qualifying events (see National Oireachtasai).
Dancers who wish to participate in a Solo World Championship must be 10 years of age or over as of 1st January of the respective year.

Open Championship Requirements 2025

  • Under 11: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Blackbird, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 12: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) Job of Journeywork, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 13: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Garden of Daisies, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 14: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) King of the Fairies, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 15: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Three Sea Captains, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 16: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) White Blanket, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 17: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) The Hunt, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 18: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) Three Sea Captains, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 19: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) The Hunt, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 20: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) Garden of Daisies, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 21: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) King of the Fairies, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 23: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) Garden of Daisies, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 25: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Job of Journeywork, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 27: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) King of the Fairies, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 30: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Three Sea Captains, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 32: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) Blackbird, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 35: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) St. Patrick’s Day, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 40: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) White Blanket, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 45: (1) Treble Jig (2), Slip Jig*, (3) The Hunt (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Over 45: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3), Three Sea Captains, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

Please note that (1) denotes the first round, (2) the second round, (3) the third round and (4) the recall round of the Open Championships.

In age groups from under 11 to senior, if there are 11 or more dancers participating in a championship there will be a 50% + 1 recall for the fourth round. If there are 10 or fewer dancers participating, all four rounds will be completed.

*Male dancers traditionally dance the reel instead of the slip jig however they are NOT required to dance the reel if the slip Jig is the required dance.

  • Reel: 48 bars (except Under 27, Under 30, Under 32, Under 35, Under 40, Under 45 and Over 45 = 40 bars)

  • Slip Jig: 40 bars (except Under 27, Under 30, Under 32, Under 35, Under 40, Under 45 and Over 45 = 32 bars)

  • Hornpipe: 40 bars (except Under 27, Under 30, Under 32, Under 35, Under 40, Under 45 and Over 45 = 32 bars)

  • Treble Jig: 48 bars (except Under 27, Under 30, Under 32, Under 35, Under 40, Under 45 and Over 45 = 40 bars)

  • Traditional Set: Step right and left foot, set right and left foot (except Under 40, Under 45 and Over 45 = set on right foot only)

  • Modern Set: Step right and left foot, set right foot only

Ceili Championships

In the age groups Under 12, Under 17, Under 30 and Over 30, each team entered must do one dance from the following list:

  • High Cauled Cap, Tara Reel, Cross Reel, 8 Hand Jig, Trip to the Cottage, St. Patrick's Day, 8 Hand Reel, Morris Reel - up to and including Tops doing 1st figure.

  • Sweets of May - up to and including See Saw.

  • 3 Tunes - up to and including Hook and Chain.

  • Gates of Derry - up to and including the second Gates movement on the first repeat.

  • Lannigan’s Ball - full dance once

Figure Championship

One age group

The teams must have a minimum of 10 dancers and a maximum of 16 dancers.
Minimum dancing time: 3.5 minutes. Maximum dancing time: 5 minutes. 
Only instrumental music (no words, no voices) is allowed. The following types of music may be used:  

  • Traditional Irish Music

  • Music originated from an Irish Dance album (produced by Irish dance musicians)

  • Traditional Music with Modern Influences (i.e.: Techno Beats, Folk, Celtic, Celtic Fusion music etc.)

If using unique music and a story they must be submitted with entry for publication in the programme.

Show championship

One age group

The teams must have a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 dancers.
Minimum dancing time: 3.5 minutes. Maximum dancing time: 6 minutes.

No words or voices from dancers during performance. Any storyline but only instrumental music (no words, no voices) is allowed. The dancing must only be Irish dancing. Dance must occupy a majority of the performance time. 
Storyline and music MUST be submitted with the entry for publication in the event programme. If a team fails to do this, it may be excluded from the competition.
Any team or dancer who does not follow the footstep and music requirements of their respective competitions may be penalised or disqualified. The adjudicators of these competitions will be made aware of the rules regarding step and music requirements and the committee reserve the right to make the adjudicators aware of any infractions that may have been missed.

All members of a show team must be on stage from the start and no member can leave the stage during the performance. For any member of the team to do so means that the team cannot finish in the top five of the result. Scenery screens can be put on stage which can be used for costume changes during the performance of the show but they must be of a mobile, temporary and lightweight nature.

Political and religious intonations, overtones, practices or bias towards or against any political or religious belief in any manner is strictly prohibited at all WIDA events. This includes themes for show championships and figure choreographies.

To enter a Show team in the World Championships a team must also enter a team in an 8-hand Ceili Championship (any age group) in the same World Championship year.

Traditional Set Championship

  • (1) St. Patrick's Day, Blackbird, Jockey to the Fair

  • (2) Garden of Daisies, King of the Fairies, Job of Journeywork

  • (3) White Blanket, The Three Sea Captains, The Hunt

  • in the age groups Under 15, Under 20, Under 25, Under 30 and Over 30

Please note that (1) denotes the first round, (2) the second round and (3) the third round of the Traditional Set Championships.

A draw will take place the morning of the competition to decide the traditional set that will be danced in each round. All competitors will dance each round two at a time.

Rounds (1) and (2): Step right and left foot, set right foot only.

Round (3): Step right and left foot, set right and left foot.

4-Hand Championship

The following dances must be performed in 2025 for the 4-hand championship:

  • (1) Humours of Bandon (up to and including REPEAT OF BODY. 96 Bars as described in the Ceili Book Ar Rince Foirne)

  • (2) Modern choreography 4-Hand in Reel timing of 96 bars of music (no combination of Jig and Reel timing)

  • in the age groups Under 12, Under 17, Under 30 and Over 30

The following shows the position of Leading Tops and Opposite Tops:

X= Gents O= Ladies, Leading Tops (1) Opposite Tops (2)



(1) (2)


Please note that (1) denotes the first round and (2) the second round of the 4-Hand Championships. The choreography 4-Hand (Round 2) is supposed to be a modern 4-Hand not based on the Ceili Book Ar Rince Foirne, nevertheless only Ceili footwork may be used.
75% of the dancers must be in the appropriate age group and both rounds must use the same dancers - no substitutions.

Céilí Footwork:

  • Skip 23s, Jump back 23s, basic Jump over 23s, (basic Jump over 23s cannot be combined with skip 23s or Jump back 23s)

  • Sevens with or without two Threes,

  • Rising Step, Rise and Grind, Sink and Grind

  • Stamps, March, standing idle (maximum 4 bars), pointing toe when idle.

  • Hand, Arm and Head movements are allowed.

  • No getting down on knees or back. This applies to the whole dance. Bars at the end of the dance are not exempt.

There is no qualification requirement for teams competing at the World 4-Hand Championship.

4-hand Championship 2026

Round (1) 4 hand Reel (per Ceilí book) - up to and including Tops doing the First Figure. 96 bars. Speed 113

Round (2) 4 hand modern choreography in Jig time (Ceilí footwork only) 96 bars. Speed 116 

Overall Team Championship 2025

This Championship consists of

  • 2-hand and

  • 3-hand and

  • 4-hand (modern choreography in Reel time (this corresponds with the 2nd Round of the 4 hand Championship) (Speed 113. Ceilí footwork only)) and

  • 6-hand (Fairy Reel) and

  • 8-hand (Morris Reel)

There will only be one entry accepted per school. There is a minimum of 8 dancers and a maximum of 23 different dancers that can be used in the competition. There will be one age group only.

Overall Team Championship 2026

  • 2-hand and 

  • 3-hand and

  • 4-hand (modern choreography in Jig time (this corresponds with the 2nd Round of the 4 hand championship) (Speed 116. Ceilí footwork only) and

  • 6-hand (Fairy Reel) and

  • 8-hand (Sweets of May - Up to and including See Saw)


Dancers in regions with a live Oireachtas must dance at their own Oireachtas or any other live Oireachtas to qualify. Dancers may enter the digital Oireachtas but this is not recognised as qualifying.

With the addition of the digital Oireachtas to our calendar, areas without a live Oireachtas should qualify via the digital Oireachtas.

As an example, a dancer in Mexico that would usually be exempt from qualifying should qualify via the Digital Oireachtas.


International Championships

Dancers who wish to participate in the International Solo Championships must dance a minimum of two solos and a Premiership/Championship at one of the Qualifying events (see National Oireachtasai).

Open Championship Requirements

  • Under 8: (1) Reel, (2) Light Jig, (3) Single Jig

  • Under 9: (1) Reel, (2) Treble Jig, (3) St. Patrick's Day

  • Under 10: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Reel, (3) Jockey to the Fair, (4) Modern Jig Set

In the age groups Under 8 and Under 9: there will be only 3 rounds and no recall.
In the age group Under 10: If there are 11 or more dancers participating, there will be a 50% +1 recall to compete in the 4th round. If there are 10 or fewer dancers: all rounds will be completed.

  • Reel: 48 bars

  • Light Jig: 48 bars

  • Single Jig: 48 bars

  • Treble Jig: 48 bars

  • Traditional Set: Step right and left foot, set right foot only

  • Modern Set: Step right and left foot, set right foot only

Qualifying for the INTERNATIONAL Championships

Dancers in regions with a live Oireachtas must dance at their own Oireachtas or any other live Oireachtas to qualify. Dancers may enter the digital Oireachtas but this is not recognised as qualifying.

With the addition of the digital Oireachtas to our calendar, areas without a live Oireachtas should qualify via the digital Oireachtas.

As an example, a dancer in Mexico that would usually be exempt from qualifying should qualify via the Digital Oireachtas.


All Ireland Championships 2025

The All Ireland Grade Feis syllabus is Beginner, Primary and Intermediate solos and premierships.

No Jump 23 competitions.

No beginner 2-hand and 3-hand competitions.

The All Ireland Grade Feis is not a qualifying event for a 2025 Oireachtas.


  • Under 8: (1) Reel (2) Light Jig (3) St. Patrick's Day

  • Under 9: (1) Reel (2) Treble Jig (3) St. Patrick's Day

  • Under 10: (1) Reel, (2) Treble Jig, (3) St. Patrick’s Day

  • Under 11: (1) Slip Jig, (2) Treble Jig, (3) Blackbird

  • Under 12: (1) Reel, (2) Treble Jig, (3) Jockey to the Fair

  • Under 13: (1) Slip Jig, (2) Hornpipe, (3) Three Sea Captains

  • Under 14: (1) Reel, (2) Treble Jig, (3) Job of Journeywork

  • Under 15: (1) Slip Jig, (2) Hornpipe, (3) King of Fairies

  • Under 16: (1) Reel, (2) Treble Jig, (3) Garden of Daisies

  • Under 17: (1) Slip Jig, (2) Hornpipe, (3) The Hunt

  • Under 18: (1) Reel, (2) Treble Jig, (3) Blackbird

  • Under 19: (1) Slip Jig, (2) Hornpipe, (3) Three Sea Captains

  • Under 21: (1) Reel, (2) Treble Jig, (3) White Blanket

  • Under 25: (1) Slip Jig, (2) Hornpipe, (3) Blackbird

  • Under 30: (1) Reel, (2) Treble Jig, (3) Job of Journeywork

  • Over 30: (1) Slip Jig, (2) Hornpipe, (3) Jockey to the Fair

Please note that (1) denotes the first round, (2) the second round and (3) the recall round of the Open Championships.

*Male dancers traditionally dance the reel instead of the slip jig however they are NOT required to dance the reel if the slip Jig is the required dance.

In age groups from U10 to senior, if there are 11 or more dancers participating in a championship there will be a 50% +1 recall for the 3rd round. If there are 10 or fewer dancers participating all 3 rounds will be completed. 

All dancers will dance one at a time in the 3rd (recall) round.

  • Reel: 48 bars (except Under 30 and Over 30 = 40 bars)

  • Light Jig: 48 bars

  • Hornpipe: 40 bars (except Under 30 and Over 30 = 32 bars)

  • Treble Jig: 48 bars (except Under 30 and Over 30 = 40 bars)

  • Slip Jig: 40 bars (except Under 30 and Over 30 = 32 bars)

  • Traditional Set: Step right and left foot, set right and left foot (except U8, U30 and O30 = set on the right foot only)

Please note that the All Ireland Championships 2025 is not a qualifying event for the World Championships 2026


A one round competition where dancers can dance any modern set from the list on the website


In the age groups Under 12, Under 17, Under 30 and Over 30, each team entered must do one dance from the following list:

  • High Cauled Cap, Tara Reel, Cross Reel, 8 Hand Jig, Trip to the Cottage, St. Patrick's Day, 8 Hand Reel, Morris Reel - up to and including Tops doing 1st figure.

  • Sweets of May - up to and including See Saw.

  • 3 Tunes - up to and including Hook and Chain.

  • Gates of Derry - up to and including the second Gates movement on the first repeat.

  • Lannigan’s Ball - full dance once


(1) Teams must dance the Humours of Bandon (from the beginning up to and including repeat of the body (96 bars) as described in the Céilí Book, Ár Rincí Fóirne) Speed 116

(2) Teams must dance a choreography 4-hand in Reel timing (speed 113) of 96 bars of music. This is supposed to be a modern 4-hand dance not based on the Céilí Book, Ár Rincí Fóirne, nevertheless only Céilí footwork may be used. 

All Irelands 2026

Teams must dance:

Round (1) 4-hand Reel (per Ceilí book) up to and including Tops doing the First Figure. 96 bars. Speed 113

Round (2) 4-hand modern choreography in Jig time (Ceilí footwork only) 96 bars. Speed 116 

Teams must dance both rounds.

Céilí Footwork:

  • Skip 23s, Jump back 23s, basic Jump over 23s, (basic Jump over 23s cannot be combined with skip 23s or Jump back 23s)

  • Sevens with or without two Threes,

  • Rising Step, Rise and Grind, Sink and Grind

  • Stamps, March, standing idle (maximum 4 bars), pointing toe when idle.

  • Hand, Arm and Head movements are allowed.

  • No getting down on knees or back. This applies to the whole dance. Bars at the end of the dance are not exempt.

In age groups: Under 12, Under 17, Under 30 and Over 30.

75% of the dancers must be in the appropriate age group and both rounds must use the same dancers - no substitutions. 

Show championship

One age group

The teams must have a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 dancers.
Minimum dancing time: 3.5 minutes. Maximum dancing time: 6 minutes.

No words or voices from dancers during performance. Any storyline but only instrumental music (no words, no voices) is allowed. The dancing must only be Irish dancing. Dance must occupy a majority of the performance time. 
Storyline and music MUST be submitted with the entry for publication in the event programme. If a team fails to do this, it may be excluded from the competition.
Any team or dancer who does not follow the footstep and music requirements of their respective competitions may be penalised or disqualified. The adjudicators of these competitions will be made aware of the rules regarding step and music requirements and the committee reserve the right to make the adjudicators aware of any infractions that may have been missed.

All members of a show team must be on stage from the start and no member can leave the stage during the performance. For any member of the team to do so means that the team cannot finish in the top five of the result. Scenery screens can be put on stage which can be used for costume changes during the performance of the show but they must be of a mobile, temporary and lightweight nature.

Political and religious intonations, overtones, practices or bias towards or against any political or religious belief in any manner is strictly prohibited at all WIDA events. This includes themes for show championships and figure choreographies.

To compete in the Show Dance competition a team must enter and compete in the Céilí 8 hand competition (any age) at the same event.

National Oireachtasai

(Effective since 1st January 2024), any dancer wishing to compete in an Open Solo Championship at an Oireachtas must compete in a least one regular local feis in their region in the twelve months since the previous Oireachtas of that region. Dancers must compete in a minimum of 2 solos and a championship or premiership at the local feis to qualify. Grade feiseanna at Oireachtasaí, All Irelands or International/World Championships are not regular Local Feiseanna. Dancers in regions with no LIVE feiseanna or Oireachtasaí may qualify by competing in a  digital local feis and the digital Australasian Oireachtas or the Live events.  

National Oireachtasai refer to the following events: British Open, Irish Open, Western Europeans, Australasian Open, Russian Open, Belarussian Open, Siberian Open, Eastern US Open, and Western US Open Championships. These are the Qualifying events for the World and International Championships. 

Dancers who wish to participate in an Open Solo Championship at the Nationals must dance at least two Solo Dances in the accompanying Grade Feis (exception: if no Open Solo Dances are offered at the Grade Feis).

Open Championship Requirements 2024

  • Under 8: (1) Reel, (2) Light Jig, (3) Single Jig

  • Under 9: (1) Reel, (2) Treble Jig, (3) St. Patrick's Day (step right and left foot, set right foot only)

  • Under 10: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Reel, (3) Jockey to the Fair, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 11: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Blackbird, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 12: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) Job of Journeywork, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 13: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Garden of Daisies, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 14: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) King of the Fairies, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 15: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Three Sea Captains, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 16: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) White Blanket, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 17: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) The Hunt, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 18: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) Three Sea Captains, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 19: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) The Hunt, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 21: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Three Sea Captains, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 25: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) The Hunt, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 30: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) White Blanket, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 35: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) King of the Fairies, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Over 35: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Garden of Daisies, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

Open Championship Requirements 2025

  • Under 8: (1) Reel, (2) Light Jig, (3) Single Jig

  • Under 9: (1) Reel, (2) Treble Jig, (3) St. Patrick's Day (step right and left foot, set right foot only)

  • Under 10: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Reel, (3) Jockey to the Fair, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 11: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Blackbird, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 12: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) Job of Journeywork, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 13: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Garden of Daisies, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 14: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) King of the Fairies, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 15: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Three Sea Captains, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 16: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) White Blanket, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 17: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) The Hunt, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 18: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) Three Sea Captains, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 19: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) The Hunt, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 21: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) The Hunt, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 25: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) White Blanket, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 30: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) King of the Fairies, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 35: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Garden of Daisies, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Over 35: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) Three Sea Captains, (4) Modern Jig Set

Open Championship Requirements 2026

  • Under 8: (1) Reel, (2) Light Jig, (3) Single Jig

  • Under 9: (1) Reel, (2) Treble Jig, (3) St. Patrick's Day (step right and left foot, set right foot only)

  • Under 10: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Reel, (3) Jockey to the Fair, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 11: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Blackbird, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 12: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) Job of Journeywork, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 13: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Garden of Daisies, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 14: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) King of the Fairies, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 15: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Three Sea Captains, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 16: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) White Blanket, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 17: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) The Hunt, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 18: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) Three Sea Captains, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 19: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) The Hunt, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 21: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) White Blanket, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 25: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) King of the Fairies, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Under 30: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) Garden of Daisies, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

  • Under 35: (1) Hornpipe, (2) Reel, (3) Three Sea Captains, (4) Modern Jig Set

  • Over 35: (1) Treble Jig, (2) Slip Jig*, (3) The Hunt, (4) Modern Hornpipe Set

In the age groups Under 8 and Under 9: there will be only 3 rounds and no recall.
In the age groups Under 10 and older: If there are more than 10 dancers participating in a Championship, there will be a recall for the Modern Set round. 
If any Championship has 10 or less dancers: all rounds will be completed.

*Male dancers traditionally dance the reel instead of the slip jig however they are NOT required to dance the reel if the slip Jig is the required dance.

  • Reel: 48 bars (except Under 30, Under 35 and Over 35 = 40 bars)

  • Light Jig: 48 bars

  • Hornpipe: 40 bars (except Under 30, Under 35 and Over 35 = 32 bars)

  • Treble Jig: 48 bars (except Under 30, Under 35 and Over 35 = 40 bars)

  • Slip Jig: 40 bars (except Under 30, Under 35 and Over 35 = 32 bars)

  • Traditional Set: Step right and left foot, set right and left foot (except Under 9, Over 35= set on right foot only)

  • Modern Set: Step right and left foot, set right foot only

Please note: There are no Preliminary championships at the National Oireachtasai.


In the age groups Under 12, Under 17, Under 30 and Over 30, each team entered must do one dance from the following list:

  • High Cauled Cap, Tara Reel, Cross Reel, 8 Hand Jig, Trip to the Cottage, St. Patrick's Day, 8 Hand Reel, Morris Reel - up to and including Tops doing 1st figure.

  • Sweets of May - up to and including See Saw.

  • 3 Tunes - up to and including Hook and Chain.

  • Gates of Derry - up to and including the second Gates movement on the first repeat.

  • Lannigan’s Ball - full dance once

Figure Championship

One age group

The teams must have a minimum of 10 dancers and a maximum of 16 dancers.
Minimum dancing time: 3.5 minutes. Maximum dancing time: 5 minutes. 
Only instrumental music (no words, no voices) is allowed. The following types of music may be used:  

  • Traditional Irish Music

  • Music originated from an Irish Dance album (produced by Irish dance musicians)

  • Traditional Music with Modern Influences (i.e.: Techno Beats, Folk, Celtic, Celtic Fusion music etc.)

4-Hand Championship

  • (1) One of the following:

    • 4-Hand Reel (up to and including tops doing the first figure as described in the Ceili Book Ar Rince Foirne) or

    • Humours of Bandon (up to and including REPEAT OF BODY. 96 Bars as described in the Ceili Book Ar Rince Foirne)

  • (2) One of the following:

    • Choreography 4-Hand in Jig timing of 96 bars of music (no combination of Jig and Reel timing) or

    • Choreography 4-Hand in Reel timing of 96 bars of music (no combination of Jig and Reel timing)

  • in the age groups Under 11, Under 16, Under 29 and Over 29

Please note that (1) denotes the first round and (2) the second round of the 4-Hand Championships. The choreography 4-Hand (Round 2) is supposed to be a modern 4-Hand not based on the Ceili Book Ar Rince Foirne, nevertheless
only Ceili footwork may be used.

Céilí Footwork.

  • Skip 23s, Jump back 23s, basic Jump over 23s, (basic Jump over 23s cannot be combined with skip 23s or Jump back 23s)

  • Sevens with or without two Threes,

  • Rising Step, Rise and Grind, Sink and Grind

  • Stamps, March, standing idle (maximum 4 bars), pointing toe when idle.

  • Hand, Arm and Head movements are allowed.

  • No getting down on knees or back. This applies to the whole dance. Bars at the end of the dance are not exempt.

Oireachtasaí 2025

Teams must dance the following 2 Rounds:  

Round (1) 4 hand Reel (per the Ceilí book) - up to and including Tops doing First Figure 96 bars. Speed 113 

Round (2) 4 hand modern choreography in Jig time (Ceilí footwork only) 96 bars. Speed 116.

Oireachtasaí 2026

Teams must dance the following 2 Rounds:

Round (1) Humours of Bandon (per the Ceilí book) - up to and including Repeat of Body, 96 bars. Speed 116

Round (2) 4 hand modern choreography in Reel time (Ceilí footwork only) 96 bars. Speed 113

75% of the dancers must be in the appropriate age group and both rounds must use the same dancers - no substitutions.

Teams are allowed to compete at the World 4-Hand Championship without participation at a National 4-Hand Championship.
There is no qualification requirement for the World 4-Hand Championship.


Modern Set Tunes

The number of bars in each modern set is given as n-m, where n is the number of bars in the step and m is the number of bars in the set.

Hornpipe sets (2/4 or 4/4 timing)

  • Ace and Deuce of Pipering: 12-12

  • Battle of Arklow: 8-12

  • Blackbird: 15-30 or 7.5-15

  • Blue Eyed Rascal: 8-12

  • Bonaparte's Retreat: 8-20

  • Downfall of Paris: 8-16

  • Four Masters: 8-12

  • Garden of Daisies: 8-16

  • The Hunt: 8-12

  • Job of Journeywork: 8-14

  • Kilkenny Races: 8-24

  • King of the Fairies: 8-16

  • Little Heathy Hill: 8-12

  • Lodge Road: 8-20

  • Madame Bonaparte: 8-12

  • O'Doherty's Keep: 8-16

  • Piper: 8-12

  • Planxty Davis: 16-16

  • Rambling Rake: 8-16

  • Rodney's Glory: 8-12

  • Roving Peddler: 8-14

  • Youghal Harbour: 6-14

  • White Blanket: 6-12


  • Blackthorn Stick: 15-15

  • Deep Green Pool: 8-20

  • Donegal Rambler: 8-16

  • Drunken Gauger: 15-15

  • Fiddler Around the Fairytree: 8-12

  • Humours of Bandon: 8-16

  • Hurling Boys: 8-14

  • Hurry the Jug: 8-16

  • Jockey to the Fair: 8-14

  • Miss Brown's Fancy: 8-16

  • Orange Rogue: 8-16

  • Planxty Drury: 12-16

  • Planxty Hugh O'Donnell: 16-16

  • Planxty Irwin: 8-16

  • Ri Laoise: 14-12

  • Rub the Bag: 8-14

  • Sprig of Shillelagh: 6-10

  • Storyteller: 8-16

  • St. Patrick's Day: 8-14

  • Three Sea Captains: 8-20

  • Wandering Musician: 8-16

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